Friday, 21 December 2012

World will end today!

Believers prepare for 'Mayan apocalypse'

Believers think the world will end - or change - at 11:11 GMT

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Thousands of people have gathered at ancient ruins in Mexico and Central America in anticipation of what they believe will be the end of the world.
The date - 21 December 2012 - is the apparent end of the "long count" calendar of the Mayan civilisation.
Chinese police have arrested hundreds of members of a Christian group who apparently believe the prophecy.
Last year, experts said a new reading of the calendar revealed that it did not in fact predict the apocalypse.
Many believe the date in fact marks the start of a new era in the calendar.
However, among some the date is still being taken as heralding the end of the world.
Magical sites
Hundreds of spiritualists gathered in the city of Merida in Mexico, about an hour and a half from the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza.
One spot thought by some to destined to escape the end of the world is the mountain of Bugarach in southern France.
However, those preparing for the end of the world were reported to be far outnumbered by journalists.

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